193775 Create Memorial


Our joys will be greater, our love will be deeper, our lives will be fuller, because we shared your moments.

We created this website as a way to honor the life and memory of our son, Wiley Joseph Cooper. He was stillborn November 28, 2008, after 37 wonderful weeks with us.  He was a beautiful boy, as you can see from his pictures. No reason for his death was ever found. He was born weighing 6 pounds, 7 ounces, and was 19 inches long. Did we mention that he was beautiful? We held him in the hospital and the wonderful people from Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep came and took pictures. Laura's mother and step-father were able to make it to the hospital that day to meet him too. It was a wonderful pregnancy and despite the devastation and sadness involved in Wiley's death, he is still the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to us.

Please use this website to look at pictures, read about some of the events of Wiley's short life, leave comments, light a candle, post memories, or whatever you would like. You can leave any kind of message you want in the condolences section. This is a pre-fab site so we can't really change a lot of the headings, so use that section to say anything you might want to say, not just for condolences. It is public though, so if you want to contact us privately, you can email at the addresses below.

You will find that we have taken many pictures along the way. The pictures are on the gallery page. There is a pull-down menu at the top next to the word Albums. You can use this to see all the albums sorted by date/event. We celebrate Wiley's would-be birthday on the 12th of every month and his anniversary/birthday on the 28th of every month by visiting the cemetery and bringing a little something.
We realize that it may seem extreme or crazy from the outside, but we find comfort in bringing little gifts and documenting these visits with pictures, and in doing some of the other things we do to remember and honor him. These are hard days for us, but we try to both grieve and celebrate, though this isn't always easy or possible.

We will be updating this site as time goes on in ongoing memorial  and remembrance of Wiley. Thank you for wanting to take the time to learn more about him, about us, and to understand some of our journey.

With love,
Laura and Madison  

P.S. Please feel free to contact us any time with questions or comments, or just to check in. We can be reached by email at ljehane@gmail.com or madbocoop@gmail.com.
